Dear reader
As part of our Group-wide “Swiss Life 2024” programme, we have set ourselves hard-and-fast sustainability goals. In doing so, we deliberately focus on those areas in which we at Swiss Life have a direct influence. We are pleased to report that we are well on track to achieve our objectives:
- In our own business operations, we have cut back our emissions significantly in recent years, reducing CO₂ emissions per full-time employee by 44% compared to 2019. Over the past two years we have also been investing in certified climate change mitigation projects in our core markets of Switzerland, France and Germany. This corresponds to the level of unavoidable CO₂ emissions from our business operations that we have calculated. This offsetting has meant that our operational activity has been net zero since 2022.
- In our directly held real estate portfolio, the carbon intensity for 2022 was 17 kg CO₂ equivalents per square metre of floor area. Our portfolio is thus in a good position in terms of carbon intensity compared to the average real estate stock in the countries in which Swiss Life operates. By 2030, we aim to reduce the carbon intensity of our directly held real estate portfolio by 20% compared to 2019.
- Within our broad product range, we also offer our customers solutions incorporating sustainability factors. Moreover, sustainability aspects are continuously being integrated into our advisory processes.
Sustainability has many facets. As a company that often accompanies its customers over a very long period of time, we are very aware of this. We must be able to ensure that, even decades later, we will have kept to the value proposition we had committed to. In doing so, we create financial confidence for our customers and at the same time take responsibility for our actions.
We are convinced that sustainability is more than just about the usual topics such as the environment, social issues and good governance. Equally important are the social dimensions, such as pension systems that are sustainably financed and remain in equilibrium over generations, a reliable partnership between companies, society and politics, and business locations that will remain competitive over the long term.
For us, therefore, sustainability is an integral part of our culture and our decision-making processes. In our Sustainability Report, we explain how we put this into practice in our day-to-day business. In this process, we are guided by current international standards while ensuring that we meet the increasingly stringent legal requirements – including those relating to reporting.
Given this all-embracing understanding of sustainability, we as a company assume responsibility: we contribute to sustainable development for the benefit of people, society and the environment.
Rolf Dörig
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Patrick Frost
Group CEO